About Us

If you’re new here and don’t know our story…

“Let me explain! No, there is too much. Let me sum up!”

-The Princess Bride

For years Nick’s dream had been to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, all 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada.

It began with a dream

But how does one do such a thing with a growing family and a full time job?

Well, we figured we only had one life and we were tired of waiting to live it. We were done waiting for “someday”.

So back in early 2020 we decided it was time to stop talking about it and actually make it happen so we quit our jobs, sold our home, our cars and most of our things and then we bought a 20ft travel trailer, a car big enough to tow it and hit the road!

It was finally happening, we were California Bound!

The plan was for Nick to hike the PCT with Megan following along, towing the travel trailer with the kids and the dog, meeting up with him as often as the road allowed.

It was a good plan, the best plan. But… 2020 had other plans.

New Rig, Who Dis?

After surviving 2020 we decided the travel trailer life was NOT for us but we weren’t ready to give up on our dreams of Grand Adventure.

So with a travel trailer out, what is a family of four to do? Maybe #Vanlife? Great idea, but in the end, we found the child car seat conundrum too complicated. And then one day we randomly stumbled across a company that specialized in light weight, minimalistic, small footprint truck campers and a new idea was born!

Enter Four Wheel Camper.

Big truck, Little Camper, HUGE possibility! Ram Truck + Hawk Shell = #RamHawk

It certainly takes tiny living to a whole new level, especially for a family of four, but what it lacks in space it more than makes up for in FREEDOM which is exactly what we were looking for.

Watch out world, we’re Wander Fueled and Chaos Ready!

Gone but never forgotten

In June of 2022 our family became a lot smaller when we lost our big red boy, Crixus at just 8 years old.

He was here one minute and gone the next, his beautiful life reduced to a moment in time, forever a memory.

Forever, Crixus