Our Origin Story

It began with a dream…

The year was 2020 and we had just sold our home and most of our things to buy a 20 foot travel trailer.

The plan was for Nick to hike the Pacific Crest Trail with Megan following along in the travel trailer with two kids and a dog to meet up with him as often as the road allowed.

It was a good plan, the best plan. But… 2020 had other plans.

This is our story!

Our Origin Story Megan Our Origin Story Megan

A Series Of Goodbyes

Chapter Three

I wondered how on earth I could say goodbye to my husband in this place. How could I drive away and leave him here, in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but his backpack on his back? And yet, that’s exactly what I would be doing…

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Our Origin Story Megan Our Origin Story Megan

Crash Course In Chaos

Chapter Two

We had set out on our grand adventure quite successfully all in all, despite nursing a pair of broken hearts over leaving behind life as we knew it. Still, we couldn’t deny the promise of adventures unknown that lay in wait on the road ahead, shiny and bright, beckoning us toward our new life.

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